Dota 2 Wiki

Spanish wiki[]

Dota 2 wiki is going through a massive change from how it used to deal with non-english pages, so if you could be patient for just a bit more, i will discuss making the Spanish pages more visible with the admins — Game widow (talk) 18:40, 28 January 2017 (UTC)

I have the 388 ES pages saved of course. They are pretty outdated though. If there are editors that want to maintain a spanish version, we would be glad to welcome them here. Molldust (talk) 18:50, 28 January 2017 (UTC)
Thanks Molldust! — Game widow (talk) 18:52, 28 January 2017 (UTC)
Of course I can wait and thanks for your answer guys. I've always worked on the english wikis but I know a lot of people (in South America mainly) who cannot speak english. And I also know the spanish wiki have been outdated for a long time. I wouldn't be able to create original content though, just make traslations from english ones and maybe editing them a little bit, and I think that'd be enough. Please keep on up to day what you decide about this. Thanks!. FeliasSnape 19:13, January 28 2017 (UTC)