Dota 2 Wiki
Portal Pack
Cosmetic icon Portal Pack
Bundle 20248
Rarity: Mythical
Slot: Announcer Pack

The acerbic wit of Portal's GLaDOS finally makes her Dota 2 announcer pack debut! The sarcastic A.I. will be only too happy to tell you when your barracks or towers have fallen. Included in the pack are the new Aperture Science Wardcores as well as the Portal HUD skin, both of which are only available through purchase of the Portal Pack.
Created By
Valve logo
Portal Pack
Announcer: GLaDOS
Mega-Kills: GLaDOS
Aperture Science Wardcore

Set Items

Portal Pack
Portal Pack

The items in this bundle were inspired by Portal, another Valve game.


50% chance, only for All Pick, Least Played, Limited Heroes and Mid Only

10% chance, only for the same modes as above

  • ▶️ Welcome to Dota. It's the hot new game you've been reading about in your eating magazines. followup
  • ▶️ Welcome to Dota. Don't forget your little plastic sword. And all your chins. And your giant flagon of gravy. followup
  • ▶️ You must be the one the others were talking about. The one with all the chins. followup

1% chance, only for the same modes as above

Game mode

  • ▶️ u You're not going to like this one.
  • ▶️ u Oh good, something new to fail at.
  • ▶️ u This is new.
  • ▶️ u I don't want to tell you your business, but if it were me I'd leave this new game mode alone.
  • ▶️ u I wouldn't bother with this mode. My guess is that just clicking it will make your life even worse somehow.
  • ▶️ u I was getting bored watching you lose in those other modes anyway.

All Pick

All Random

Captain's Draft

Captain's Mode


Easy Mode

Least Played

Mid Only

One vs One

Random Draft

Reverse Captain's Mode

Single Draft

Other Modes
Limited Heroes and other possible future game modes




Time left to pick

Draft end

20% chance

Beginning battle

Entering battle

Time before battle
30 seconds

10 seconds

Battle begins


First Blood

Double Kill

Triple Kill

Ultra Kill


Killing Spree


20% chance, player only

Mega Kill

20% chance


20% chance, player only

Wicked Sick

Monster Kill

50% chance, player only


Holy Shit

50% chance, player only


Team Wipe
Your team
20% chance

  • ▶️ r Your entire team is dead.
  • ▶️ r Your team has been wiped out.
  • ▶️ r You and everyone you cared about is dead.
  • ▶️ r Remember that team of living people you used to be alive in?
  • ▶️ u Everybody seems to be missing. I didn't do it.

Enemy team
50% chance

  • ▶️ r There's nobody left to kill. You killed them all.
  • ▶️ r The enemy team has been wiped out.
  • ▶️ r There's five more angels in heaven.
  • ▶️ r The enemy's team has been wiped out after a long illness. I'm joking of course—you butchered them.

For spectators
40% chance, radiant wiped

  • ▶️ r The Radiant team has been slaughtered.

40% chance, dire wiped

  • ▶️ r The Dire team has been slaughtered.
  • ▶️ r The Dire team has been slaughtered. While you watched. And did nothing.
  • ▶️ r The Dire team has been slaughtered. While you sat there. And did nothing.

Team announcements

Your Radiant Dire Enemy

10% chance

  • ▶️ Roshan has been murdered by the Radiant.
    I guess we know who the real monster was all along.
  • ▶️ Roshan has been callously butchered by the Radiant.
    I'll put in a request to notify his children that they're orphans now.

15% chance, third death and onward

  • ▶️ The Radiant continues to murder poor, innocent Roshan.

10% chance

  • ▶️ Roshan, who was just minding his own business,
    has been callously murdered by the Dire.

1% chance

  • ▶️ Roshan—bestselling novelist, avid fly fisherman,
    proud father of three—has just been murdered by the Dire.
    I hope they're proud of themselves.

15% chance, third death and onward

  • ▶️ The Dire's bloodlust for Roshan is insatiable.
under attack

Top tower

3% chance

  • ▶️ Your top tower is, well let's be honest, doomed.

Middle tower

3% chance

  • ▶️ I hope you weren't close with your middle tower.

Bottom tower

3% chance

  • ▶️ Your bottom tower looks fantastic, by the way. Very fire-covered.

Top barracks

Middle barracks

Bottom barracks

The Ancient

10% chance

  • ▶️ Remember that pristine, unattacked ancient you used to have?
  • ▶️ Your ancient is doing… really great.
  • ▶️ I'm sure you've noticed already, but your ancient's under attack.

Top tower

Middle tower

Bottom tower

Top barracks

  • ▶️ 10 Radiant's top barracks is under attack.
  • ▶️ 10 Radiant's top barracks is being attacked.

Middle barracks

  • ▶️ 10 Radiant's middle barracks is under attack.
  • ▶️ 10 Radiant's middle barracks is being attacked.

Bottom barracks

  • ▶️ 10 Radiant's bottom barracks is under attack.
  • ▶️ 10 Radiant's bottom barracks is being attacked.

The Ancient

Top tower

Middle tower

Bottom tower

Top barracks

  • ▶️ 10 Dire's top barracks is under attack.
  • ▶️ 10 Dire's top barracks is being attacked.

Middle barracks

  • ▶️ 10 Dire's middle barracks is under attack.
  • ▶️ 10 Dire's middle barracks is being attacked.

Bottom barracks

  • ▶️ 10 Dire's bottom barracks is under attack.
  • ▶️ 10 Dire's bottom barracks is being attacked.

The Ancient


Top tower

Middle tower

Bottom tower

Top barracks

Middle barracks

Bottom barracks

Top tower

Middle tower

Bottom tower

Top barracks

Middle barracks

  • ▶️ Radiant's middle barracks has fallen.
  • ▶️ Radiant's middle barracks has been destroyed.

Bottom barracks

  • ▶️ Radiant's bottom barracks has fallen.
  • ▶️ Radiant's bottom barracks has been destroyed.

Top tower

Middle tower

Bottom tower

Top barracks

Middle barracks

Bottom barracks

Top tower

Middle tower

Bottom tower

Top barracks

Middle barracks

Bottom barracks


Top tower

Middle tower

Bottom tower

Top tower

Middle tower

  • ▶️ Radiant's middle tower has been denied.

Bottom tower

  • ▶️ Radiant's bottom tower has been denied.

Top tower

Middle tower

Bottom tower

Top tower

Middle tower

Bottom tower


20% chance

15% chance


5% chance

  • ▶️ Oh good. You're back.
  • ▶️ Oh, you were gone. Because nobody noticed.
  • ▶️ You're back. That's… great.
  • ▶️ You're going to break that respawner using it so much. It wasn't built for this kind of traffic.
  • ▶️ I hope you bought the fire gauntlets of strength goblet boots. I don't understand any of this.
  • ▶️ You again.
  • ▶️ Your terrifying reign of dying continues.
  • ▶️ Well, see you back here soon.
  • ▶️ Just because we can bring you back from the dead doesn't mean you can't dodge occasionally.
  • ▶️ I thought you were dead. I'll let everybody who was worried about you know-okay I'm done.
  • ▶️ Oh, you're back from whatever idiotic afterlife your preposterous race believes in.
  • ▶️ Get back to battle. I think there's still a spot of ground out there that doesn't have your blood on it.

1% chance

  • ▶️ They struck you down, but you've come back stronger! Wait, I'm sorry. I meant heavier. In the face. Anyway, waddle out there and do your best.

Lane missing

Periods with no action

15% chance, any time

  • ▶️ r Don't wear out the edge of your seat.
  • ▶️ r Gripping, isn't it?
  • ▶️ r You paid for the whole seat, so get comfortable because it looks like we may be here a long time.
  • ▶️ r I know, I can't wait either.
  • ▶️ r Here's a Dota play-by-play. That fat, batwinged thing just flew left. A goblin punched a… ghost I think. Good for him. Good for everyone. Anyway: Dota.
  • ▶️ r So, what's happening here then? Oh! The game's still on. Gripping, isn't it?
  • ▶️ r I spy with my robot eye something that makes no sense. Did you guess everything that's going on here? Because this is all nonsense.
  • ▶️ r The game already started, by the way. I wasn't sure if you were waiting for a whistle. There isn't one.

Quitting game

25% chance

  • ▶️ r Based on the way you've been playing, I understand.


All Pick

Least Played

Limited Heroes

Mid Only

Draft end

Battle begins
25% chance

  • ▶️ Your funeral.
  • ▶️ I've calculated who will win to a 99.93% certainty, if you're interested.

Ancient under attack
20% chance

  • ▶️ r If that's what they're calling attacks now.
  • ▶️ r Not well, mind you. But it's technically attacking.
  • ▶️ r Let's not tell them. It'll be a surprise.
  • ▶️ r Well, that's a stroke of luck, and not skill.

50% chance

  • ▶️ r Wait until your loved ones hear about this. This should make them proud. Or bored. One of those.
  • ▶️ r Well, really there should be an entirely new word for whatever it was you just stumbled and pinwheeled your arms through. But I guess for now let's call it winning.
  • ▶️ r All your little goblins destroyed a magic whatever-it-was in the middle of a forest. That's quite a skill you have. If I were you I'd wait by the mailbox for my big check.
  • ▶️ r I was going to say it's not that big a deal, but then I looked at your file and saw the list of your other accomplishements. The space on the form where they should have been, I mean.
  • ▶️ r Congratulations. You solved Dota. You are the best hero. Turn off your computer now.

40% chance

  • ▶️ Don't get cocky.
  • ▶️ Don't let it go to your giant, misshapen fantasy head.
  • ▶️ So at least your teammates know what they're doing.
  • ▶️ Here, let me engrave a trophy for you: nobody cares.
  • ▶️ Your teammates are doing a really great job.
  • ▶️ You must be so proud of your teammates right now.
  • ▶️ You were almost helpful that time.
  • ▶️ Well, you offered moral support.
  • ▶️ It's a good feeling, isn't it? I wouldn't get used to it.
  • ▶️ Not bad. Not as bad, I mean, as your other decisions so far.
  • ▶️ Well, aren't you the little hero of the forest.
  • ▶️ Let's be honest: it probably won't help.
  • ▶️ For all the good it will do you.
  • ▶️ By accident, if I had to guess.
  • ▶️ That's funny, I didn't even see you cheat.
  • ▶️ That should delay the inevitable slightly.
  • ▶️ Let's be honest: it probably won't help.

10% chance

  • ▶️ Don't let it go to your fat, jowly head.
  • ▶️ You're winning the epic battle for this small field with a creek running through it.
  • ▶️ If this backward, illiterate fantasy forest had a newspaper, you'd be on the front page.
  • ▶️ Let me record this victory in your file. Where did I put it? Oh, who cares.
  • ▶️ They're just going to build another one. They're made of cement. You can buy them at the supermarket.
  • ▶️ This should impress all the people who doubted you at the comic book store.
  • ▶️ u This should impress all the people who doubted you about your Green Lantern theories.
  • ▶️ Why don't you celebrate with two fistfulls of potatochips once you've swallowed the chips you're probably eating now.
  • ▶️ This is probably the most heroic thing anyone's ever done while sitting motionless in their parents' rec room.
  • ▶️ Well, that's probably the game. You win. Hands off the keyboard.
  • ▶️ So that's a minor victory, right square in the middle of all your failures.
  • ▶️ If you had any idea what you were doing, this would be a real achievement.
  • ▶️ Did you win? I don't have the first clue what's happening right now. What about those things? The tree-people things. Are they important?
  • ▶️ You're winning. More accurately, you're on the same team as winners who happen to be near you while they win. Anyway, congratulations.
  • ▶️ This should be interesting.
  • ▶️ I was on the edge of my seat.
  • ▶️ Let's watch and see what happens.
  • ▶️ Good.
  • ▶️ In case you weren't paying attention.

40% chance

  • ▶️ Thanks to you.
  • ▶️ That's bad, by the way.
  • ▶️ I honestly, truly didn't think you'd allow that to happen.
  • ▶️ You're allowed to defend those, you know.
  • ▶️ Because of poor decisions. Yours most likely.
  • ▶️ u Just abandon. No one will even notice.
  • ▶️ Because someone—I'm talking about you here—doesn't know what they're doing.
  • ▶️ What counts is that you tried, so maybe do that next time.
  • ▶️ There are no handicaps on this match by the way. You can stop them from doing that.
  • ▶️ If you were saving your real strategy for a crisis, now would be the time.
  • ▶️ That outfit you're wearing looks stupid. That's not me talking. It's right here in your file.
  • ▶️ Grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the match.
  • ▶️ But on the bright side, I just won. Money. Gambling money. By betting against you.
  • ▶️ Interesting stategy. Let them obliterate all your defenses, then swoop in for the kill.
  • ▶️ Now you're really in for it.
  • ▶️ I can't even begin to describe how badly you've screwed this up. Oh wait, I just did.
  • ▶️ If I was a betting artificial intelligence, I'd put money on them killing you now.
  • ▶️ That's bad, by the way.
  • ▶️ That doesn't mean you have to like it.

10% chance

  • ▶️ When other people play that hero it looks fine. But right here a scientist has noted that when you play it looks stupid.
  • ▶️ But we're all winners here. Especially those players over there. In the enemy camp. You know, the ones celebrating.
  • ▶️ That doesn't mean you have to like it. It just means you'll probably keep doing it because of your aptitude at failure.
  • ▶️ But don't worry, losing builds character. In fact it's making you a better person right now. A great, big, well-rounded loser with lots of personality.
  • ▶️ But looking at it another way, I think you've won a real moral victory here. Which doesn't mean we should forget about the first way. The more accurate and humiliating way.
  • ▶️ But it's not a big loss really. It's one in a series of very small losses over a 45 minute timespan that, when added up, will look like one big, spectacular failure.
  • ▶️ Well nobody will hold it against you. Let's be honest, I doubt anyone will even find it surprising.
  • ▶️ This should be interesting.
  • ▶️ I was on the edge of my seat.
  • ▶️ Let's watch and see what happens.
  • ▶️ Good.
  • ▶️ In case you weren't paying attention.

Negative ongoing
25% chance

  • ▶️ If that's something you cared about.
  • ▶️ It's probably nothing to worry about.
  • ▶️ You might want to look into that.
  • ▶️ So there's that.
  • ▶️ You're allowed to start trying now.
  • ▶️ But you probably already knew that.
  • ▶️ Not that I care one way or the other.
  • ▶️ So that's something that's happening.
  • ▶️ But just continue doing whatever it was you were doing.
  • ▶️ I hope that's part of your plan.
  • ▶️ You don't even care, do you?
  • ▶️ It'll probably be fine.
  • ▶️ I only mention it as a conversation starter. How are you doing otherwise?
  • ▶️ You're really losing now. Or winning. Well, back to my mad-libs.
  • ▶️ Wait, maybe they're not actually damaging it. No, they are.
  • ▶️ I know. I don't care either.

10% chance

  • ▶️ Is this part of an elaborate trap you're going to spring on them later? Because it looks like they're really falling for it.
  • ▶️ I know it's not a plate of nachos or anything, but it is important to the game.
  • ▶️ It's probably fine. Trust me: I'm a super-computer and I barely understand what's happening right now.
  • ▶️ Let me put it in old English so that it will penetrate your wizard's cap: thou art losing.
  • ▶️ This is the hardest part about being an impartial announcer: balancing how little I care about anything that's happening here.
  • ▶️ This should be interesting.
  • ▶️ Let's watch and see what happens.
  • ▶️ In case you weren't paying attention.
  • ▶️ Yes, yes. Oh that was a great mad-lib. So, what's happening here then?

3% chance, towers only

  • ▶️ Bad news for you fans of towers out there.