Dota 2 Wiki
Chen minimap icon Chen, the Holy Knight
Born in the godless Hazhadal Barrens, Chen came of age among the outlaw tribes who eked out an existence in the shimmering heat of the desert. Using an ancient form of animal enthrallment, Chen's people husbanded the hardy desert locuthi, a stunted species of burrowing dragon that melted desert sands into tubes of glass where twice-a-year rains collected. Always on the edge of starvation and thirst, fighting amongst their neighbors and each other, Chen's clan made the mistake, one fateful day, of ambushing the wrong caravan.

In the vicious battle that followed, Chen's clan was outmatched. The armored Knights of the Fold made short work of the enthralled locuthi, who attacked and died in waves. With their dragons dead, the tribesmen followed. Chen struggled, and slashed, and clawed, and perished—or would have. Defeated, on his knees, he faced his execution with humility, offering his neck to the blade. Moved by Chen's obvious courage, the executioner halted his sword. Instead of the blade, Chen was given a choice: death or conversion. Chen took to the faith with a ferocity. He joined the Fold and earned his armor one bloody conversion at a time. Now, with the fanaticism of a convert, and with his powers of animal enthrallment at their peak, he seeks out unbelievers and introduces them to their final reward.
Associated With
Factions Knights of the Fold
Places Hazhadal Barrens
Gods Obelis

Friendships and rivalries[]

Allies meeting Chen

  • ▶️ Dark Willow minimap icon r You gotta teach me that mind control trick.
  • ▶️ Dark Willow minimap icon r Chen, I'm tellin ya, you and me could make a killing in White Spire.
  • ▶️ Dawnbreaker minimap icon r Do you have any friends not compelled to stay with you, Chen?
  • ▶️ Grimstroke minimap icon r You act the honorable part, Chen. But you betray your true self in the service of charlatans.
  • ▶️ Grimstroke minimap icon r Do you care for the animals in your charge, Chen? Or are they just pawns to be placed in battle?
  • ▶️ Hoodwink minimap icon r Okay first I'm gonna murder all of them, Chen, and then I'm definitely gonna get back around to you.
  • ▶️ ▶️ Legion Commander minimap icon r I like your mount.
  • ▶️ Legion Commander minimap icon r Send them down the paths of penitence, Chen.
  • ▶️ Legion Commander minimap icon u Send them down the paths of penitence, Chen.
  • ▶️ Lone Druid minimap icon r I welcome the forest's aid, Chen.
  • ▶️ Lone Druid minimap icon u I welcome the forest's aid, Chen.
  • ▶️ Mars minimap icon r Honestly, Ken, you're lucky I acknowledge your presence at all.
  • ▶️ Mars minimap icon r Hey, Ken, got a line on any chimeras? Oh, sorry Chen.
  • ▶️ ▶️ Monkey King minimap icon r Just promise me you won't control me, okay Chen?
  • ▶️ ▶️ Monkey King minimap icon r Ethically speaking, how are you okay with marching helpless creatures off to their demise?
  • ▶️ Omniknight minimap icon r Bring the forest to our aid, Chen.
  • ▶️ Pangolier minimap icon r So your thing is animal husbandry? I hear there's good money in that.
  • ▶️ Pangolier minimap icon r As long as you don't deal in sentient animals, we're good here.
  • ▶️ Snapfire minimap icon r The only persuasion Mortimer needs is a good cookie or five!

Enemies killing Chen


  • ▶️ Oracle minimap icon r One there is who wishes to convert you to his cause. Be not persuaded and take not his pamphlets.
  • ▶️ ▶️ Legion Commander minimap icon I will tear you from your saddle!
Natural Order (Astral Spirit) icon
▶️ By the forge of creation.
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